Sisters in Christ always got time to share fellowship along the trail.

Cowgirls 4 Christ welcomes all ladies to join our CCMC team. We are always learnin' the ropes on how to help our church's message of:

"ridin' the right trail to a good life by staying

Prayed Up - Fessed Up - Well Fed".

Come saddle up, ride with us as we live God's Word along the way.

Our membership luncheon

Prayer and other important stuff


Pray without ceasing. How can I learn it? The best way of learning to do a thing in fact the only way is to do it begin by setting apart sometime everyday, say 10 or 15 minutes, in which you can say to God and to yourself that you come to Him now as an intercessor for others. Let it be after your morning or evening prayer, or any other time. If you cannot secure the same time every day, be not troubled - only see that you do your work. Christ chose you and appointed you to pray for others.

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