Sunday Scriptures: 

December 24, 2023

How to get along with God...Prayed up, 'fessed up, well fed...

10:00 A.M. Service

It's not the "when", it's the "why" that

is the Joy of this season

Resumes January Monday @ 6pm...     Ropin' in the Arena  

10:00 A.M. Service:

December 24, 2023


The Why of Joy...


Giving a most precious Gift.

Whoever you are

Whether you know it or not

He is the one you are waiting for

Thank you, Heavenly Father for teaching us that chatting with you builds strength of Faith, no matter the time

All Glory goes to you. Amen

Regular Sunday Service is at 10 A.M. 

Coffee, donuts and fellowship starts at 9 A.M. 

Pray for our Nation and Revival


December 29th

Dinner n Dance with Arizona Thunder: $10 Adults | $5 Child doors open @ 5pm.

Prayers of Healing

and Comfort

for all our family

and friends.

If you are unable to attend for any reason,

Virtual Sunday Service  provides digital fellowship. 

Only thing missing is the coffee n' doughnuts.

Baptizin' in the River Jordan Horse Tank?

Please talk with Pastor Roger about baptizin' and church membership. 

Note: Due to bad weather events may be cancelled.