Monthly Events

Every Thursday: Band Rehearsal

1st Sunday: Arena & Security

2nd Sunday: Chuck Wagon Ice Cream 

Saturday: Open Arena All Welcome 

3rd Sunday: Dinner on the Ground

Last Sunday: Lord's Supper

Fifth Friday Fling:  June 30 Dinner & Dance 5-8 pm $10 per person

Event is held on every month with a 5th Friday

Pop Up Events

Check for unplanned events.

Visit our Youtube Channel

Unable to attend? 

Virtual Sunday Service page

Shirts Update:

Scripture Shirts and Identify shirts are available for order. Please contact Sandee or Kathi Wildman Nolan

for sizes and prices.

Please email: by 5:00 pm on Thursday each week or call (928) 713-0528 for changes to bulletin announcements.

-Summer  Calendar -

Every Thursday: 

Weekly Band Rehearsal for Sunday Service

First Sunday of the month:

Second Sunday | Chuck Wagon June Ice Cream Social

(Weather permitting)

Every Saturday - Open Arena - All Welcome

Third Sunday of the month | Dinner on the Ground - see flyer

LAST Sunday of the month: Celebrate Our Lord’s Supper

Fifth Friday Fling: June 30 Dinner & Dance


All Events Start Immediately After Sunday Service

(May change due to unscheduled events or weather)

In Luke 14: 22-23, Jesus told a story about a feast. "There is still room for more.’ So his master said, ‘Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come." Cowboy Churches do just that. We minister to folks by doing western heritage activities with cowboy hospitality and acceptance.   Y'all come!

Vacation Bible School - June 2023

Community Events - All Are Welcome

Open Arena every Saturday

Ropin' Every Monday 6 pm

till dark